Thursday, June 16, 2011

Recession Proof Fashions...

It all started 31 days before the beginning of 2011. Like most, I was working on my New Year's resolutions. I had given up on the whole “join the gym” vow, but I still wanted to come up with something that would be fun in addition to being something I could stick to. So I decided that for the entire year I would be on a clothes shopping hiatus. That right, that meant that I could not purchase any new threads, instead I would make them myself.

Yeah I know what your thinking, 1) can you sew and 2) are you any good. And the answer to those questions are “yes”, and “we are about to find out”. So consider this my attempt to prove that you can still be fashionable while being reasonable.

Just to share a little about me, I am a self-proclaimed recovering shopaholic. I approach shopping, especially bargain shopping, as a sport that is not meant of the meek or the mild. If shopping were an organized sport, I would be voted MVP every time my stiletto hit the pavement. So this should be interesting to say the least. So stay tuned, projects and photos to come…

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